Friday, January 5, 2018

Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance Final Piece

For this project, we had to incorporate Harlem inspired drawings within our modern art. We were supposed to use a human figure and put a concept of "Harlem" within our piece. I did this project with black charcoal pencils. 


  1. Great start, can't wait to see the finished work

  2. I cant get over this-SO FREAKIN GOOD. Just imagine how the final's gonna be. Cant wait!

  3. I can see your idea coming along it looks great so far.

  4. I love what you have so far, and when you add everything you plan to I think it will turn out great

  5. Good work. However, I don't think this captures Harlem. The detail is great and i cant wait to see the other elements you will incorporate.

  6. I like where this is going and I think you are doing great just add a little more elements from the era

  7. I love how it's coming along so far! The colors and everything will really make it an excellent piece, great work

  8. I love the idea of the picture and can't wait for the final piece.

  9. I love the concept of this piece and the story that goes along with it!

  10. I think the only thing that needs work is the shading, but other than that it's great
