Monday, May 21, 2018

Choice Project

This was my final choice project. I chose to do a portrait with characteristics based off of Robert Downey Jr. I did it in a black and white format with lead and cut down my paper by half. This was a challenge as I never draw people, so I took on a new obstacle. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Pen and Ink

Pen and Ink

This project was designed to take liquid ink and portray a figure of our choice. We got a stick and sharpened the edges to create a "brush". I chose to create a lipstick bottle and to apply slight shadows and 3-D textures. 

Still Life

Still Life Portrait

This is my still life portrait. We had to pick at least a few items that had an essential meaning to us and any other items we would want to add. Our goal was to look from observation and draw what people know as "still life". I used a charcoal based medium with various blending stumps and incorporated a cleat, shin-guard, lamp, a small necklace, and an inhaler. The only revision I would suggest is to add a background or to portray a surface for myself. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Human Proportions

Human Proportions

This is my proportions practice. I'm not really familiar with the human figure or facial shape, so I looked at various references and used a pencil medium when creating these sketches.  

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Proportions Practice

Proportion Practices:

This is my proportions practice. I'm not really familiar with the human figure or facial shape, so I looked at various references and used a pencil medium when creating these sketches. 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance Final Piece

For this project, we had to incorporate Harlem inspired drawings within our modern art. We were supposed to use a human figure and put a concept of "Harlem" within our piece. I did this project with black charcoal pencils. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Value Sheet

This is a value sheet I keep in my sketchbook for definitions and reference when creating my artwork. It has various art techniques that I can use and go back to.