Friday, February 17, 2017

Simplistic Food

This is my simplistic food drawing. I am entering this into the Dermatology Annual Art Contest. My art usually consists of shading with charcoal pencils, but I decided to just do the initial outline of the objects. My goal here was to incorporate many objects, of food, onto the piece with just the easy outline with a tad bit of detail into each.


  1. Wow those look exactly like fruits. These are nicely drawn, all I would say is to shade them a bit more.

  2. I think you could have done more shading on the overall picture, but I like how you added a variety of fruits.

  3. You got the shapes of the fruit good but I would suggest shade a bit more.

  4. This is great! I love the shapes, your fruits look amazing!

  5. Really nice piece. The fruits look very real and the lines are very clean.

  6. I know you say that you just wanted it to be simple, but I reeeaaaally think a deep shading would be really cool. The drawing of the fruit look really good though!

  7. I really like the shading on this piece, it makes the white background stand out.

  8. Looks great girl, I would only push a few more value to give it a little character.

  9. Slay Madi slay. The fruit looks nice and crisp. It would look cool with a little more shading.

  10. I think it could use more shading but overall really good!

  11. Replies
    1. The shading is on point. Its flawless

  12. I love your fruits and the shading.

  13. I think you should add some texture in some of the fruit but other than that i love your work

  14. I think you should shade some more but other than that I love it!
