Friday, January 6, 2017

Goals in Thought

This piece is my dream-board. It includes all my goals for the coming year and what I hope to be better at/accomplish. It includes watercolors and cut out pieces of paper for the words, 


  1. I like the direction yyou are going in.

  2. Even though it is unfinished, I feel like you have a really good skillset in watercolor, and I can`t wait to see the finished piece. -Jayden Lee

  3. I like how you fit your portrait in the picture, and the colorful background that makes it pop out.

  4. Love your idea for this piece. Cant wait to see it finished.

  5. I love the faded look, makes it seem vintage. I can't wait to see it when your finish.

  6. I love how you did the paint I cant wait to see it finished.

  7. please keep going its looking good so far I like the idea, its like youre looking at you goals but at the same time walking in the direction of them... if you understand that.

  8. I love the idea and the direction you are heading good job

  9. I like the background and the idea of your goals floating there. The board could be improved I think by drawing some of your goals too.
