Monday, December 11, 2017

Double Page Spread

Double Page Spread - Dream Board

For this project. we had to create goals for this upcoming year or even the next upcoming decade. My double page spread includes black and white media with the goals of traveling, learning, stop-stressing, and eating healthier. I could have incorporated more, but my sketchbook actually had fallen apart before I got the chance to add more. 



These are a few sketches I completed in the course of this semester. It also includes one of the value projects we had completed when we had to recreate half of a portrait. 

2-Point Perspective

2-Point Perspective 

For this piece, the requirements were to complete a 2 point perspective. I chose to do a bird house with minimum detail in the background. I used black and white, but I focused mainly on the foreground with the house rather than taking time on the background with the tree and bird. I think I achieved the 2 point perspective aspect, but I could've been more creative with design and detail. 

T-Shirt Design

T-Shirt Design

For the 2017-2018 Heritage Fine Arts Academy t-shirt, I decided to draw a design that incorporated all aspects of the academy with the exception of ceramics. It is a camera taking a picture of the winning design. Once again, I went with the black and white media because the requirements called for one color on the shirt. I think my design was creative and I don't think I would change much about it.

12" x 18" Dreamboard


In this piece, I incorporated objects from my dream board and created it into one piece. It was based on the idea of loving music and dreaming about traveling. It is very simplistic with a black and white media. I could have done more with detail and background, but I am satisfied with its outcome as of now. 

Portfolio Covers

Portfolio Cover

The two pictures above are my from the front and back of my portfolio for the 2017-2018 school year. I incorporated my name along with objects based on the ocean/sea theme. I chose to do this in black and white with shading pencils and a straight edge. I think my depth with the shading and the background could have been better since it is so simplistic, but I like my overall thought on the piece.

Pencil Plane 2.0

Pencil Plane 2.0

The goal of this piece was to take an everyday object and turn it into another device. I took a BIC  mechanical pencil and transformed it into a plane. I used shading and charcoal pencils along with a 24 inch ruler to complete this. I feel as if my shading could have been better, but overall I think this piece was one of my best if you consider the size and the aspect of shading.